‡ Why Human Potential is so Important

“Human potential is the only weapon that we have. But a weapon is useless in the hands of an untrained soldier. A soldier must have mastery over his weapon. He must train and work until it becomes a part of him. Only then can he use it effectively to help us win the war.”

Human potential is the most powerful thing on the planet.

But nearly all of it is wasted.

Because we don’t understand what to do with it.

We’re all given this insanely powerful weapon, but nobody ever showed us how to use it.

How to hold it.

How to aim it.

How to take care of it.

So we just see it as a toy.

This thing to be played with.

We fire our bullets into the air.

Like a bunch of psychotic terrorists.

All pissed off and just looking to cause some mayhem.

And cause mayhem we do.

Lots of it.

That just what happens when you give insanely powerful weapons to a bunch of scared little monkeys.

But if we keep doing what we’re doing, these monkeys are going to destroy the very existence of life.

Because Mother Nature is running out of patience.

We need these insane little monkeys to calm down.

We need to show them that there’s nothing to be afraid of.

And we need to unify them around a common purpose.

Giving them hope for a better future.

A future they can get excited about.

A future that they’re willing to fight for.

And then after they realize what they’re fighting for, they must be trained on how to use their weapon.

The only weapon they have.

The only weapon they will ever be given.

The weapon that will determine how they live and how they die.

And that’s the potential they have within them.

Because there’s only a single decision that a human being actually has the ability to make.

One decision that dictates their entire journey through life.

And that’s how to use human potential.

But what exactly is human potential?

And what determines how somebody should use their potential?

Once again, more questions that we never got any answers for.

But once we have these answers, and we learn to use our weapon, we can become nearly unstoppable.

We all come into this world the exact same way.

Naked and screaming.

From there, it’s how we use our potential that determines how we live our life.

If you master your weapon, you can then use it to go out and fight for the future that you wish to see.

And you can fight for the life you really want to live.

So let’s dive in and turn you into a soldier of change…

Human potential is actually stupidly simple to understand.

Because the term is just an abbreviation for “human potential energy”.

Remember in science class?

The difference between potential and kinetic energy?

A stick of dynamite has lots of potential energy, but it’s only when you light the fuse to trigger the chemical reaction that the potential energy will get released as kinetic energy and make a change in the world.

That’s all that human potential really is.

Human potential energy that we can turn into human kinetic energy to make a change out in the physical world.

So when we say that somebody has the potential to be an amazing hockey player, we just mean that they have the skills and talent needed in order to use their kinetic energy to make the desired physical changes in a game of hockey.

If somebody has the potential to be an amazing singer, it just means that they have the ability to turn their potential energy into kinetic energy in order to use their voice to create ear pleasing sounds.

Because our bodies are the only things that we can use to make a change out in the physical world.

There is nothing else.

We make a decision, which reaches an action potential, and then it causes an electro-chemical chain reaction in our bodies to cause the desired movement and change in the world.

But understand, you cannot make a decision based on information that you do not have.

So our actions will only ever be as good as the information that they’re based on.

Because your brain is just a computer that gives you the ability to create ideas and make decisions.

It weighs all of the information in your non-conscious and then gives you its best recommendation for a course of action.

Better information equals better actions.

You are not your brain.

And you are not your body.

Realistically, we’re all just witnesses to life.

We use our bodies to move around and experience the world.

We see things out in the world that we want to change.

Then we try to come up with ways that we can make it happen.

If we have enough information, we can make the decision to use our potential to create the change.

That is literally our entire lives in a nutshell.

Everything we do comes down to two simple questions.

What do I want to see?

How do I make that happen?

Every war is just a fight for a future that we wish to bring in to existence.

Which means that our lives are just another war.

The brain is our war machine.

We use it to store documents and to come up with ideas on how we should fight.

The body is simply our war vehicle.

The tank that we get to ride around in to fight for the future we want to see.

But most people are running around on autopilot.

They have no strategy.

Which is why they keep crashing into things.

Without understanding the purpose of the war, they don’t know what they’re actually fighting for.

Without understanding what the desired end state is, they don’t know where they’re supposed to be going.

And if you don’t know where you’re going, you can’t know what obstacles need to be dealt with.

Therefore we have an incredibly powerful weapon, but nothing to aim it at.

Because the macro strategy behind winning a war is quite simple.

Figure out where you want to go, and then just eliminate the obstacles standing in your way.

So understand the life you want, and why you want it.

Understand the future you want to bring into existence.

Then go out and fight for what you want.

Everything that we call civilization was created because a human being decided to take their potential and use it to create a change in the universe.

To build things and to create things.

To transform things into what they saw as a better version of the future.

But almost all human potential ever produced has been wasted.

The civilization we have and all of the things that go with it were the result of an insanely small amount of human potential that was converted into kinetic energy to make an intentional change to society.

It’s like we have an army of billions, but we only have a few people actually using their weapons to fight the war of humanity.

Just imagine the kind of damage we could do if all eight billion people in the world picked up their weapons, aimed them in the same direction, and decided to fight.

The change we could create in the world would be like nothing we’ve ever seen.

Problems would vaporize seemingly overnight.

Because the true power of our species is truly awe inspiring.

God-like in nature.

We have the ability to change the world however we please.

And we are the only species on the planet that can do it on such a massive scale.

For better and for worse.

We can create, and we can destroy.

Both of which are a choice.

A simple decision.

A decision on how we should use the potential of humanity.

How we should harness and use this awesome power.

But we need to understand that if we don’t harness it, it will destroy us.

Because scared little monkeys aren’t Navy SEALs.

They cannot deploy and succeed in special operations warfare.

All they can do is pull the trigger and cause destruction.

It’s become a cliche that with great power comes great responsibility.

But the fact that it’s a cliche, doesn’t make it any less true.

Because we are the only species that has a response ability.

The ability to respond to a situation, instead of just emotionally reacting.

And because we are the only species with this ability, it becomes our obligation to help those who cannot help themselves.

Regardless of species.

Because you are just a spark of life.

A spark of life that gets the use of a human brain and body.

A tiger gets the use of a tiger brain and body.

Different brain.

Different body.

But is it a different spark of life?

I don’t know.

And I probably never will.

But why would it be?

That wouldn’t make very much sense.

I’m just a spark of life that gets to witness the world for a little while.

Trapped inside this body and mind.

I don’t see why it would be any different with a tiger.

Because we’re both just animals.

She’s a tiger.

And I’m just a scared little monkey.

The only difference that I can see is in our ability to use our potential to create change in the world.

And only because of the body and brain we were given.

The reality is that we are the only species that has the ability to save this planet.

It’s like all of the other animals are on Noah’s ark out in the middle of the ocean.

But unfortunately, Noah thinks that it’s a good idea to get drunk and start blowing holes in the ship with a shotgun.

All of the other animals are looking at him like he’s insane, but what can they do.

He’s the only one that can steer the ship in the right direction.

But if he doesn’t sober up and stop acting so foolishly, they’re not going to make it.

Humanity needs to sober up, and we need to do it quickly.

We need to start treating all human potential as energy that our world can benefit from if we guide it correctly and don’t waste it.

Because how many potential Steve Jobs or Mother Teresas died from starvation.

How many potential Thomas Edisons died trapped in poverty somewhere.

And how many Florence Nightingales died because they didn’t have access to clean water.

The true power of humanity can only be realized if we learn how to use all of our potential efficiently and effectively.

If we learn how to master our weapons, and fight together to win the war for a better future.

But we can only do this if humanity collectively starts to focus on things that actually matter.

We need to stop celebrating things that don’t matter.

If it doesn’t help us win the war, then it’s just a waste of ammunition.

That’s why our mission at Hypersonic Ventures is to maximize the efficient and effective use of all human potential.

Because human potential is the only weapon we have in our war for the existence of life.

It truly is the only thing that can save the world.