Every story starts out the same.
As an expose into the ordinary world.
We get introduced to the hero’s life, and to the way the world has always been.
Then something happens, and our hero is called to adventure.
But this call will be rejected, and it will be met with a denial that is supported by every ounce of the hero’s soul.
They will try desperately to get out of taking this journey, so they can stay in the ordinary world.
But after much internal debate, they will finally realize that the ordinary world can no longer exist.
The only choice is what the new future will look like.
It’s a dilemma that will eventually push our hero over the edge.
Because they realize that there is no other choice.
They are the only one who can save us from the future.
And no matter how weak and helpless they feel in the beginning, they will eventually realize that this journey was their destiny.
It’s part of the life they were meant to live.
Part of the purpose they were meant to serve.
That’s the hero’s journey.
The human story up until now has been a confusing and chaotic mess.
With no definite purpose, humanity has existed as a reclusive antihero driven primarily by fear.
Even with all of our spectacular technological advances, we’re still just a global tribe of scared little monkeys.
But that’s okay, because the hero is always scared at the beginning of the story.
This is why they must refuse the call to adventure.
They don’t have the ability to step outside their ego, and to see who they really are.
It takes the wisdom of a mentor to show them the path forward.
The final push will inevitably come when our hero refuses the call once more, and the mentor must lay out the inevitable options.
Either you go on the adventure, and maybe you can save the world.
Or you refuse, and we suffer a fate worse than eternal damnation.
The courage it takes to answer the call to adventure is a massive cocktail of emotion.
It’s only when the fear of failure outweighs the fear of self-preservation that our hero will move forward into the unknown darkness of the hero’s journey.
But it must be understood by the audience that our hero is still deathly afraid to go on this journey.
Because who are they to do such a thing?
They are just a nobody, who has been unfairly chosen to act as if they are a somebody.
It is only through their adventure that they realize who they really are.
This allows them to finally understand the power that exists within them to right the wrongs and to change the world.
They can finally see that it is only the ordinary who can accomplish the extraordinary, because when it comes to humans, we are all the same.
We’re just a bunch of scared little monkeys driven by our fear of self-preservation.
It’s only when we have a purpose greater than ourselves that we can thrust forward into the greatness that we’ve always been destined for.
Over the past few decades, the story of humanity has been catastrophically presented with our call to adventure.
Though as expected, we’ve been refusing this call, and trying as hard as we possibly can to stay within the ordinary world.
But unfortunately, as with any good story, we must come to the realization that the ordinary world can no longer exist.
The only choice we have, is what the future will look like.
Either we go on this adventure, and maybe we can save the world, or we refuse, and we suffer a fate worse than eternal damnation.
Though it seems like an obvious choice, it is still a choice that needs to be made.
But the only way we will ever cross the threshold of refusal and cast ourselves into the unknown darkness, is if we can find a purpose greater that ourselves.
Our goal at Hypersonic Ventures is to establish that purpose.
To give humanity the kick in the ass it needs to go out and save the world.
Eternal damnation doesn’t sound like very much fun.
So we came up with a better plan.
“I had no epiphany, no singular revelation, no moment of truth, but a steady accumulation of a thousand slights, a thousand indignities and a thousand unremembered moments produced in me an anger, a rebelliousness, a desire to fight the system that imprisoned my people. There was no particular day on which I said, Henceforth I will devote myself to the liberation of my people; instead, I simply found myself doing so, and could not do otherwise.”
–Nelson Mandela–