“The direction of humanity moves only through influence. So to change it, we must first understand the major sources of influence in our society and how they work. Currently, business and celebrity are the two major sources of influence that drive our behaviour. We can break these areas down by sub-categories, but from a macro strategic standpoint these are the main targets.”
So how do these two variables cause influence within our society?
When you factor it down to the prime element, they use the feeling of shame and the fear of tribal exclusion. Celebrities are a simple snapshot of what we have been conditioned to value as a society, and businesses have been conditioned to exploit the void which exists between where we are and where the celebrity is.
If we subtract what we possess (that society values) from what the celebrity has, we are left with everything that the corporate world can sell us in exchange for our money.
This is the game that we play.
Mass marketing and media exposure constantly reinforces what is valued in our society and which of those things that we personally lack.
The whole system is built upon the exploitation of our primal biology.
For a human being, tribal inclusion is everything.
Without it we will die.
Because this is how people are wired at a DNA level, our prime directive as a human being is to increase our status within our known tribe of inclusion and relevance.
Our DNA sees our place within the social hierarchy as literally a matter of life and death.
Knowing this, and understanding the actions they wish us to take, the corporate marketing machine constantly reinforces what we value as a society, and how we can obtain what we lack through the products and services they offer us.
The machine is actually perfectly built.
By using fear, envy, and shame our society pushes people to become more of what we value.
This type of mass control is actually an amazing feat of social engineering—though it is in most cases a completely unconscious undertaking.
It’s merely what the people involved have been conditioned to do.
Which is fine.
The weapon of mass societal influence that we have created is exactly what we need.
We just need to aim it in a better direction.
If our results as a society are determined by how we act, which is determined by how we’re conditioned to act, which is predicated by what we value as a society, then what needs to happen in order to change our results is actually quite simple.
We must simply change what we value as a society.
If we understand the result we desire as a species, then we can easily determine what should be valued within society.
By understanding the result, we can determine the actions that need to be taken, which means we can isolate the values that society must elevate within our hierarchy of status.
Once these values have been isolated, all others must be shamed out of existence.
Values which push us towards long-term excellence as a species shall be rewarded, whereas those which are based on short-term individual materialism and gain must be regarded as parasitic and grotesque.
This change can easily come by leveraging 14 key areas of influence:
- Government
- Education
- Business
- Religion
- Arts
- Sports
- Healthcare
- Media
- Financial
- Military
- Political
- Celebrity
- Charities
- Foundations
In some of these areas, change may be possible within the existing infrastructure.
But in others, the existing structure and those involved at the top must be completely replaced.
They are most likely too invested within the current system to embrace any sort of change.
But by embracing and partnering with those who also want to see change, we can utilize a massive amount of leverage and better position the weapons of influence which dictate the results of society.
In theory, this is actually a very simple and practical cascade of causal change.
Though strategically complex and extraordinary in size, there seems to be no logical reason why it cannot be done if executed effectively.
“A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.”
– Mahatma Gandhi –