“A visionary leader must be able to ignite an inferno of passion to influence a massive movement of people to embrace change. They must consistently provide the inspirational fuel needed for people to take the actions required to transform the vision from just a fantasy into reality.”
In 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
This initiative was a global call to action in order to end poverty, to protect the planet, and to ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by the year 2030.
But unfortunately nobody has any idea whatsoever how we’re going to accomplish this dream.
According to the 2022 SDG Report:
“The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is in grave jeopardy due to multiple, cascading and intersecting crises.”
Not an overly surprising report considering the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals were created only after the 2015 Millennium Development Goals completely failed to be met.
So why hasn’t the UN or any other establishment devised a concrete plan so that we can effectively achieve the 17 SDGs?
First of all, changing the world takes visionary leadership.
The type of leadership that can take the vision of a dream, and turn it into an actionable plan.
In the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry…
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”
Unfortunately, no visionary leader would ever be caught dead working for the government.
Because entrepreneurs want to move fast and fix things.
And the government is pretty much the exact opposite of moving fast and fixing things.
Second of all, the powers that be aren’t actually focusing on the real problem.
Which is why they can’t come up with a solution.
The real problem is the existence of human beings.
We are a very scared, confused, and carcinogenic species that has selfishly caused an insane amount of damage over the past hundred years.
All 17 problems associated with the SDGs exist because of human ignorance and arrogance.
So the logical solution seems to be fairly simple…
Eliminate the human species and we get rid of all the problems.
Because Mother Nature was doing just fine before we showed up.
Getting rid of the humans only really solves the short-term problems.
There is one long-term problem that human beings are the only current solution.
The existence of life.
Because as far as we know all life in the universe exists on this planet.
So if this planet get destroyed, all life in the universe goes with it.
Human beings are the only species that have the ability to deal with any sort of existential threat to life.
Which is why we are obligated to take that on as our responsibility and as our purpose.
This doesn’t change the fact that human beings are responsible for every current problem on the planet.
It just means that Mother Nature’s easiest option goes out the window.
So instead of eliminating all of the humans, we just need to change how they behave.
We don’t need 17 Sustainable Development Goals to make that happen.
I mean, they’re nice.
They’re pretty to look at.
And they’re incredibly informative.
But there’s only one goal that needs to be hit in order to eliminate all of the problems in the world.
We just need to change the collective mindset of humanity.
Because how we think determines how we feel.
And how we feel determines how we act.
So if we can think better, we can act better.
If we can change our values of influence, we change the fate of the world.
Social impact entrepreneurship is driven by values that lead to better thinking.
Leading us away from carnage and into a better world.
Social impact entrepreneurs are the only people who have any chance of saving this planet.
Which is why Hypersonic Ventures was created.
To create soldiers of change who can go out and save the world.
And to create a version of humanity that might be worth keeping around for a while.
“Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You’re a plague and we… are the cure.”
-Agent smith in “the matrix”-